What is Power BI and Getting Started
What is Power BI and Getting Started
What is Microsoft Power BI? Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights. It includes features for data modeling, visualization, and collaboration, as well as a range of connectors to bring in data from various sources. With Power BI, you can create interactive reports, dashboards, and datasets that can be accessed from a web browser, desktop, or mobile device. Power BI is available as a standalone service or as part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite.

Where can I get Power BI?

Power BI can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. Power BI can be purchased and used in a variety of ways, including: Power BI Free: Power BI Free allows you to create and share reports and dashboards. It provides access to a limited number of data connections as well as basic data modelling and visualisation features. Power BI Pro: A premium version of Power BI that contains extra data modelling, collaboration, and report sharing tools. It can be purchased on a per-user basis. Power BI Premium: A more expensive version of Power BI that is geared for large enterprises and provides increased scalability and performance. It can be purchased on a per-capacity basis. Power BI in Office 365: Power BI is included in various Office 365 subscriptions, such as Office 365 E5. On the Microsoft website, you can discover more about the various Power BI editions and their cost.

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